Q: Please introduce yourself to the readers and how you first got into this field of work –and who were some of your influences growing up?
Welcome to the world of Scott Howard. Growing up, my world revolved around music. As a child, I was always around music. We would have family come by once a month to gather (back then, they called it… The Cousins Club). The adults would all congregate around the piano and take turns singing a favorite song. My mother was an opera singer and with my stepfather started Long Island Lyric Opera in the 70’s. I was 8 years of age and a friend of my mother’s played an acoustic guitar. I fell in love with folk music and was fascinated by the sound and overall message of the songs played…hope, love, a better world.
I took piano lessons, but it didn’t stick…but the guitar, that became an obsession. I put together my first band when I was 9 and I played my first gig at a place called Maimonides Home for Special Children, our performance was terrible, but they loved and supported us. Since then, I was hooked on performing. Then I was introduced to Cat Stevens, Moody Blues, Peter Gabriel, Yes, Crosby Stills, Nash & Young… their albums were books to be read and obsessed over… music became my friend, it became my drug of choice and the lullaby I slept to.
Q: What kind of training have you had, if any?
Again, my mother was an Opera singer and both my stepfather and mother started Long Island Lyric Opera in the 1970’s. I was a stagehand, so I was exposed to the world of the Classics. In addition, at age 7 or 8, I began to learn to play trumpet, and ended up playing the Sousaphone. I played in All County bands up to Junior High School and could write and read music for orchestra. I performed in both Brass Jazz bands and Orchestral.
Q: What has been your favorite project to work on so far?
I am finishing up my first full length film called “World Ascension Tour, (A Lightworker’s Journey) …live at Village Studios in 432 Hz”. This is a biopic Rockumentary that spans the time of my Awakening about 4 years ago and continues on every day. The film incorporates interviews of my life and the music that mirrors the pain, healing and glimpses of light at the end of this tunnel of this magical journey. As I write prophetically, there are some new songs added to this film that will hopefully resonate with those in need of healing through these trying times. This new genre of music in this Rockumentary film will also have a limited vinyl record in 432 Hz circulated, as well as, an e-book called “The Language of Clouds” … We will be taking pre-orders starting in the next few weeks on my website scotthowardmusic.com.
Q: Why did you choose to pursue a career as a musician?
I have always been a musician, but not full-time. I always had questions in my mind… Am I good enough… is the music good enough? However, these questions were answered when my Son Maxx was taken on 8/8/2018…. I went through a change in spirit…. AN AWAKENING …. with this loss, I wrote music for months cathartically… I did not know what else to do. A new genre of music from Source was born in 432 Hz…. a completely interactive journey. And, I’ll continue in this career not only for me, but as a gift to heal the world. I’ve proven through my own experience that music heals.
Q: What has been the biggest highlights/achievements of your career?
The birth of my two children: my son who is gone, Maxx, and my daughter Alyx. In meeting my soulmate and wife Debbie, and, the continued evolution of my spirit & the writing of music that people will resonate with from Source in 432 Hz.
Q: If you had a chance to work alongside anybody in the field who would that be?
Cat Stevens, CSNY, Yes, Moody Blues, Peter Gabriel…MY SON MAXX.
Q: What projects do you have coming up?
I am setting up a Patreon page that will allow my fans to interact with me & each other. They’ll receive current information in the portal with all the latest on my music, film, ebook, and my new Ascension432Wear clothing line.
Currently, I am finishing my first full length Rockumentary film…” The World Ascension Tour… (A Lightworker’s Journey) …live at Village Studios in 432Hz”. In conjunction with the film will be a Limited-Edition vinyl album of the film that will comprise of about 12 songs…all played in 432 Hz.
The Language of Clouds e-book is a compilation of my Awakening and has photos of the 5D realm, that will cause you to never look at the sky again the same way… Currently, the e-book is being reformatted. It is slated for launch, and will be distributed worldwide Sept/Oct later this year.
The film, as well as, all other contents, will be on my Patreon page. I have also come out with an amazing line of clothing available now on my website for purchase. The clothing incorporates both ancient protection symbols & embedded crystal healing stones… great for those who meditate or just want to work towards their own ascension, manifestation & spiritual or physical abundance.
Q: Where would be your ideal place to perform in?
I would love to perform in high energy places around the world... venues that help raise the frequency of the listener and in turn resonate throughout the world.
Q: What do you wish to accomplish as a musician?
I feel I am on the path that will help raise the frequency of the those on the path and then those who are watching from the sidelines. I desire for my music to bring us all to a path of highest good… I think I have done this already… whether it be in this realm or in some other parallel reality.
Q: What would be your advice to aspiring music makers?
Life is a plethora of experiences of pain and love & how to cope with karma. There are many philosophies that believe the karmic slate will be wiped clean for some, but not for all. It is our responsibility as humankind to learn the real history so it does not repeat itself. Learn how to not give your energy away to people as that is your most valuable power… your thoughts, your emotions, time - these things are invaluable.
Find your SOUL SPARK, … experience, the right frequency. There are very little redeeming qualities to much of today’s music, but some select musicians are awakening and beginning to play their music at the healing frequency of 432 Hz. I feel very little when I hear a popular song, especially at the 440 Hz frequency. I believe the industry could have a renaissance... and I hope as music makers we can help.
Lastly, use your voice and bring awareness to social causes you are passionate about. Personally, I want to give a percentage of revenue from my music & content to help fight Child Trafficking. I would also like to support in fighting the epidemic of drug addiction and mental health, as well as, to bring awareness to the needs of our planet.
“I asked the man with the faceless mask what is this madness for … a world with nothing left for us…no peace… no love…no war… All the saints and sinners are standing in line…there’s plenty of room for everyone…. but we’re running out of TIME!”
BE A DREAMER……Be light!
For more on Scott Howard, visit his website at:
Check out his music on Spotify:

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