Q: How would you describe you in one word?
Q: Why do you feel this is the ideal profession for you?
Being an independent artists specifically a singer songwriter and guitar player, has been a huge dream of mine for as long as I can remember. To be able to influence younger generations to follow their dreams and to create some really fun, skillfully written music makes me humbled and fulfilled.
Q: Our audience wants to know more about your upcoming new album?
My new album will be released on April 19th on bicycle day, which is the underground celebrated day for lysergic acid culture. I have created this album with the psychedelic concepts in mind. The name and cover art is a secret for now, and I can not wait to share this with the music community. I can say, though , there are 8 magical songs and 1 single.
Q: What's the response you mostly got from your fans about your music?
Most people really dig the guitar work and the story.
Q: Your favorite guitarist?
My favorite Guitar player has to be hands down JIMI HENDRIX. If I have ever been inspired by a guitar player, it's JIMI.
Q: Where do you see yourself in three years from now, or where would you like to be?
In three years from now, I can absolutely see myself making maybe my 6th album, which would be a huge milestone.
Q: Can you please tell us about the most successful project you have worked on.
Well, that depends on your ideas of success. I feel my first album release and production was a very successful project. I have fulfilled a lifelong dream and started a huge snowball of perpetual innovation, relationships and imagantive process to propel me more and more forward into my artistic journey plant the seeds let them grow harvest and plant more seeds no matter what if I can keep following my dreams and heart I feel and know I am being successful for myself and my legacy.
Q: What is your dream project?
My dream project would be to work with some of my favorite artists people I have looked up to and perhaps record a compilation album or simply do some collaborative work with my musical heroes such as Dave Grohl or Jack white... that would be amazing. A dream come true for real...
Q: What are some things that you love?
I love nature, experiencing the warmth of the sun and adventures into the unknown the woods a mountain range or exploring my mind but I truly above all else love spending time with my family my wife and my daughter are the most important part of my life and my dog pickles.
Q: How's people can get updates about your record label? Your website or social media links?
MY record label is under DISTROKID an independent artists platform which has honestly changed the game for me and most artists of my caliber they are amazing and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking to release music.
My social media account is Instagram @Zellisorange, or you can simply do a Google search and find me right away. Currently, don't have a website.
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