I would describe myself as a Swiss Army knife, so in one word it would be versatile, I pride myself on not having one specific sound and I think that’s what separates me from a lot of other artist, especially in my city. It feels good to stand out.
Q: Why do you feel this is the ideal profession for you?
Because I love it, I love music, I love creating music, I love listening to music. It’s simple as that to be honest, I feel like I have what it takes to be as big as I want to be. I feel like I got the IT factor. It took me some time to get there but my confidence level is through the roof, especially now.
Q: Our audience wants to know more about your upcoming new album?
My next album is set to be released February 10th, and it’s titled 23 The Goat Year. The motivation and inspiration behind this album is to show the audience that yes I sing a lot but I can RAP my ass off, it’s to show the audience that my beat making/producing is top tier as well. I worked on extremely hard on this album, I want to say for a year I recorded and made beats without releasing anything . After my car accident I was sidelined for some time, and I wanted to prove to myself that I still got it, even through the set back. So I titled it 23 The Goat Year because we are in the year 2023 and I’m striving to be one of the GOATS, with every bar and every beat meaning so much to me.
Q: What's the response you expect from your fans about "23 The Goat Year"?
Honestly, I’m not sure, I’ve been off the scene for a few months but popping back out periodically showed me that people really love me and support me and noticed my absence, so I hope my fans really appreciate this body of work, I think they’re going to love the lyrics of each song because every song is relatable in some way to someone.
Q: Your favorite artists?
My favorite artist will always be Lil Wayne, Jay Z, & Biggie but I like a lot of artist now, Lil baby is dope, I like Durk a little too, but I’ve been really just listening to myself lately but I still respect all artist in the game today.
Q: Where do you see yourself in three years from now, or where would you like to be?
I see myself on tour, throwing my own shows, and just comfortably living off of my craft. A lot of people want to be major super stars, not saying I wouldn’t want that but my focus is to maintain a life with doing what I love, I also have my movie “2 Toxic” coming out soon so I hope to be acting a lot in the near future, especially after the film is released. That’s one of my major things I have going on behind the scenes.
Q: Can you please tell us about the most successful project you have worked on.
My most successful project was my album “Toxic”. That album is approaching close to 300k streams which is huge for me, we also put a entire film behind this album bringing each song to life visually. You’ll see the film in theaters and streaming sites soon. I’ve won awards from this album as well. Just overall it put me in a good position to move forward and progress through my journey to the top and I don’t expect anything to slow down, especially when the movie drops.
Q: What is your dream project?
My dream project is to work on a entire body of work with a film attached to it, kind of like what 50 cent did. I’m actually working on it now but it’s hard work for sure. I just think a lot is possible especially when you put your all into it. I’ve also spoke it into existence. So I mean what I’m working on now is my dream project, time will tell.
Q: What are some things that you love?
Number 1 I love my son, my family, and my friends outside of music that is my go to place for peace, I love traveling performing and creating on a professional level, and lastly I love myself, I went through a depressed stage in my life and I got back to loving me.
Q: How's people can get updates about your record label? Your website or social media links?
I regularly update my site and socials with music show dates and visual content, so stay up to date by visiting my website and my socials .
Twitter : @ziggtheartist
Instagram : @ziggtheartist
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